| Most of our stallions carry over 50% *Raffles blood and over 40% Skowronek. It is difficult to find a horse today with these genetics. Our stallions are an integral part of our program. We offer each stallion for a breeding fee of $750.00. In order to better serve the needs of customers at a great distance from us, we will be offering frozen semen on some of our stallions in 2010. Frozen semen is currently available on Shalimar Chaos. Call us to discuss which stallion would best fit your program.
 | These mares represent a solid nucleus of over 60 years of Shalimar breeding. Many mares will be available for sale when a suitable replacement filly is produced. In this way we feel that we can maintain a fairly young broodmare band and offer some of our best producing mares to others interested in using these precious and increasingly rare bloodlines. We truly believe in the phrase, "Blessed are the Broodmares." Contact us today!
 | WHAT TO EXPECT FROM A SHALIMAR HORSE Due to our ranch-oriented location in the Heartland, we gear our discipline towards the Western horse. Our colts are weaned, halter broken, and handled for approximately a year while their conformation and disposition are under evaluation to determine stallion prospects. Colts that are gelded are then turned out to pasture to allow them to develop mentally and physically and become a "horse." As three-year-olds we start them using natural horsemanship techniques and stress a good foundation thus enabling prospects to excel in whatever field they may endeavor. Whatever you need, we believe that we have a horse that can fill it.
 | The Fillies The fillies truly represent the cornerstone of the program. Each year, it is difficult to choose a "Number One" filly. Everyone seems to choose a different filly as his or her favorite. It's a wonderful problem to have when people come to the place and can't agree on the best filly. Each mare line adds its unique qualitiy to the mix. As we move forward, we would like to have you come to Shalimar and tell us which filly you think is the best!
 | This is without a doubt the hardest category to classify. The Arabian industry certainly doesn't need every colt to be kept as a stallion. Colts are judged as weanlings, based on confirmation and need. Those that make the first "cut" are judged again as yearlings. Doc always said that if there was any question, a good stud prospect will make a great gelding.
 | Ah . . . the babies . . . what can you say, just another solid foal crop. If you are looking for a yearling that your kids can grow up with, call us! Their quality is excellent, and they have many years of pleasure-giving ahead of them.