Unique History Bill & Mae | The history of Shalimar and its horses has to begin with my grandfather's employment for Garth Buchanan while a vet student at Iowa State University. My grandfather, Dr. William L. Munson, helped take care of the horses and was breaking a young 3-year-old stallion that Mrs. Buchanan had purchased from Mr. Selby. Trudy, Bordy and Beth | The colt's name was Ragin (Mirage x Indaia). While riding the colt one afternoon in 1941, Grandpa rode the colt into a swollen Iowa river only to find out the horse could not swim. The mistake cost Mrs. Buchanan the colt and nearly cost Grandpa his life; however, that experience left him with a lifelong love and respect for the Arabian breed.
In the spring of 1942 as a graduation present from veterinary school, Mrs. Buchanan took Grandpa with her to the Selby Stud to find a replacement stallion for Ragin.
While at Selby's my grandfather purchased the future National Champion Stallion, Selmage (Image x Selmnab), more importantly, began a 50 year friendship with Jimmie Dean. These events would shape the development of Shalimar for years to come.
Bill & Garaff | On January 16, 1944, my grandparents were married and established Shalimar Farms in Cambridge, Illinois, and so began one of the strongest and most important partnerships in the Arabian breed in the United States to date.
The Judge | In 1943, the desert bred mare, Rihani had been leased from Dr. John Reardon of Peoria, Illinois. Rihani had been purchased from Margaret Shuey of the famed Sunny Acres Farm while in foal to *Raffles, producing Raffani. From that point on, Shalimar's *Raffles horses included some of *Raffles most successful offspring.
Sons of *Raffles owned by Shalimar included: our foundation stallion Garaff (*Raffles x Woengren), Imaraff, Handeyraff, Rafflesson, Rhazauraff, and the gelding Sanraff. Beginning in 1942, my grandpa purchased the *Raffles x Imagida foal in utero; the resulting foal turned out to be the mare Rafgida. Other *Raffles daughters have included: Flaia, Wadeya, Raffani, Ylla, Rafla, Rafeyma, Rafleyma, Rose of Raswan and Cassandra (with Bazy Tankersly).
Bill | During the 1950s and 1960s Shalimar Arabians was a family breeding and showing operation. My mother, Trudy, was known in the region for her abilities in the show ring. Horses were shown throughout the Midwest and a strong *Raffles band of horses was developed.
In 1958, my grandfather needed a stallion to breed to his band of Garaff daughters. He had previously purchased the *Raffles daughter and 1960 Reserve National Champion Mare, Rose of Raswan, from Alice Payne in Chino, California. Mrs. Payne knew my Grandfather coveted the *Raffles daughter, Rafleeta. So, only hours after her bay son by the *Raffles son Rafferty was born, Shalimar owned the stallion Orbit. Orbit would allow Shalimar to continue its *Raffles linebreeding program into the future.
Rafferty | Some of the notable show champions for Shalimar at the time were the afore-mentioned Garaff, Flaia and Rose of Raswan.
Mae & fillies on the Ranch | The highly successful mare, Collette (Rapture x Cassandra) was a mare my grandpa considered the greatest reining horse he ever rode. Later on, the Legion of Merit winners Winraff and Gwen were produced from the Shalimar herd.
In 1972, after my grandfather's retirement from the veterinary practice in Cambridge, Illinois, the horse operation was moved to the recently purchased ranch in the Northwestern Nebraska Panhandle near the town of Harrison.
The program continued using the daughters of Garaff and later Orbit with Winraff and his sons, Silver Sp. Winefti, Shalimar Caribou, Shalimar Pima, the Winefti son Shalimar Nathan and the Orbit son Shalimar Rhett.
The location changed but the program established over 60 years ago continues today. The emphasis evolved from breeding beautiful horses that excelled in the show-ring to breeding beautiful horses that could withstand the rigors of the climate, geography and strenuous work under the difficult conditions of ranch life. | |
The Next Generation Adam, Carrie, Morgan & Skylar (age 4) (age 1 ½) |
Morgan's first show | Time passes. With the passing of Bill and Mae, the responsibility of preserving this precious blood fell on the shoulders of Bill's oldest grandson, Adam Edmund. In keeping with the philosophy of my grandfather it is extremely important that the horses become an integral part of the family.
The goal of Shalimar has always been the same . . . produce quality Arabian horses at affordable prices allowing everyone to experience the same joy of the Arabian horse that our family has experienced for over 60 years. | Adam and the girls | For more information about Shalimar Arabians go to Dr. Bill Munson, DVM on the web. Links-Payback Ranch Al-Marah Oasis Farms Crabbet.com ECAHS AHof